Aloha, Pack Up Your Bag Because Your Going To Beautiful Hawaii!

Visit The Big Island of Hawaii

The Big Island of Hawaii is twice as big as all the other islands. This island has a live volcano that explodes and perfectly harmless. You can take wild pictures of the boiling volcano. While your at Hawaii, you can freely go to Hawaiian Dolphins Swim at Kona and you can go swimming with the dolphins. During the day, you may have a free massage and watch the sunset.

Visit Polynesian Cultural Center

At the Polynesian Cultural Center, you can visit their beautiful island villages. During the day, you can get a free 1 day cruise around all the islands and when you come back, the people will welcome you with a very exciting show that you will see while your eating at the best restaurant of the whole Hawaii. I hope you enjoy!

              Visit Kailua

You could do many things at Kailua. You will have excitement, happiness, and you will feel very welcomed. You can sailboard with your friends and have a bonfire during the night at the beach. You could also have the chance to see the sunset of how beautiful Hawaii. Also, you can go surfing, build sand castles, and you might have a chance to go snorkeling with the sea turtles. Hawaii is such a very beautiful place to visit.